Offering Women A Way Out

For ten years, we’ve offered an evidenced-based approach to help Spartanburg’s women navigate reentry.

In Spartanburg County, women make up a higher percentage of incarcerated people than in other South Carolina counties. This problem is worsened by the lack of beds available to women leaving incarceration, forcing them to return to problematic environments, and often back into the justice system.

Angels Charge Ministry provides a way out to a new way of life through transitional housing, personal development, and faith-based support.

  • 77% have children

  • 49% battle addiction

  • 42% without a G.E.D.

  • 58% have a mental illness

  • 71% are white, 27% are black

Our Approach

Transitional Housing

Angels Charge provides participants with transitional housing for up to 18 months. We have two residential homes that can house up to 11 women at a time. Each house is furnished with a full kitchen, laundry room, and living spaces.

We are currently working with the City of Spartanburg to build our third home, which will allow us to increase our capacity by 5 beds and reduce our waitlist.

Personal Development

Each woman comes to us with unique needs. Angels Charge provides access to counseling, job training, and healthcare.

With our help, our Angels secure jobs, create a budget, overcome adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), and set goals for long-term success.

Faith-based Support

Data demonstrates that faith-based programs are effective in reducing recidivism. Our Angels participate in small group sessions and attend weekly bible studies.


  • Angels Charge accepts women coming out of the Spartanburg County Detention Center and South Carolina Department of Corrections. Women must commit to participating in the program, living in our residences, and abiding by house rules.

  • According to the National Institute of Justice, programs that focus on substance abuse, use therapeutic communities, and employ gender-responsive programming are most successful in significantly reducing recidivism and improving outcomes for females convicted of a crime.

  • We welcome donations of time, money, and supplies. Whether you are interested in becoming a volunteer, supporting us financially, or providing basic resources for our women, we will be eternally grateful for your support. Please reach out to Nannie Jefferies,

For He shall give his Angels Charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. In their hands they shall bear you up.

Psalm 91:11-12